by Bob Gass | 31 Mar, 2020 | The Word for Today
‘Good people live right…’ Proverbs 20:7 CEV Eventually your life will be summarised in a single sentence. What will your ‘life sentence’ be? If you live intentionally, people at your funeral won’t be left to wonder. Will you get it all exactly right? No. But,...
by Bob Gass | 30 Mar, 2020 | The Word for Today
‘…thus shall the man be blessed…’ Psalm 128:4 NKJV If you’re nice to others but not to your own family, you have a problem that needs addressing. So read what this man did: ‘The children were loud, cranky, impossible. I was tired and fed up… I...
by Bob Gass | 29 Mar, 2020 | The Word for Today
‘…Let God transform…the way you think…’ Romans 12:2 NLT Behind everything you do, there’s a thought! So if you’re serious about changing your life, you must change how you think. That’s not easy, and it doesn’t happen instantly. Imagine a ship with the...
by Bob Gass | 28 Mar, 2020 | The Word for Today
‘The fear of the Lord adds length to life…’ Proverbs 10:27 NIV Respect for our elders has traditionally been a strength of our culture. However todays’ western influence sees this respect increasingly replaced by the worship of rock stars and sports figures. How...
by Bob Gass | 27 Mar, 2020 | The Word for Today
‘The fear of the Lord adds length to life…’ Proverbs 10:27 NIV Don’t let fear dominate your later years. Don’t let life’s ‘unknowables’, such as finances, health, loneliness, loss of friends and family members, get you down. The Bible says, ‘…You do not...