by Bob Gass | 30 Apr, 2020 | The Word for Today
‘…He walked on the water…to Jesus.’ Matthew 14:29 NKJV There are many good reasons for stepping out of the boat and trying something new, or something you may have failed at before. It’s the only way to develop faith, it’s the alternative to being average, and...
by Bob Gass | 29 Apr, 2020 | The Word for Today
‘…He walked on the water…to Jesus.’ Matthew 14:29 NKJV Peter discovered what we all discover in our walk with God: just because you sink doesn’t mean you’re sunk. Here are two reasons why. First, failing doesn’t make you a failure, quitting does. Failure is just...
by Bob Gass | 28 Apr, 2020 | The Word for Today
‘…He walked on the water…to Jesus.’ Matthew 14:29 NKJV When Peter was certain it was Jesus who was calling him, he left the security of the boat and entrusted himself to the power of God. So far, so good. ‘But when he saw the strong wind and the waves, he was...
by Bob Gass | 27 Apr, 2020 | The Word for Today
‘…He walked on the water…to Jesus.’ Matthew 14:29 NKJV The disciples were out fishing one night when a huge storm struck. About 3 a.m. they were terrified by a figure approaching them on the water. ‘…Immediately Jesus spoke… “Be of good cheer! It is I; do...
by Bob Gass | 26 Apr, 2020 | The Word for Today
‘Serve…with gladness…’ Psalm 100:2 NKJV Anything God gives you is first a gift to enjoy, then a seed to sow. Do you have a good education? Leadership ability? More money than you need? God has given you seeds, so sow them. There are basically three kinds of...