Learn to Delegate

Dec 13, 2020

‘This job is too heavy…to handle all by yourself.’Exodus 18:18 NLT

President Reagan said, ‘Surround yourself with the best people you can find, delegate authority, and don’t interfere.’ Yet in our eagerness to please God we take on responsibilities that are ‘too heavy…to handle all by [ourselves].’ Moses was spending every waking minute listening to complaints from long lines of people. Finally his father-in-law said, ‘You’re going to wear yourself out—and the people, too,’ and advised him to appoint capable leaders to ‘help… carry the load.’ (Exodus 18:22 NLT) It was a win-win solution; the people got help faster, and Moses became a better leader. Henry and Richard Blackaby write: ‘One of our greatest challenges… is determining what God doesn’t want us to do! We love God, we love His people, and we see many needs. But sometimes good intentions cause more harm than good… When you become aware of a need, don’t automatically assume God wants you to meet it. The only reason to perform ministry is when God clearly tells you it’s His will. If you’re overwhelmed… you’re probably doing more than God asked. Pray about the assignments you take on, so you don’t rob yourself and others of God’s best.’ Jon Walker adds: ‘Imagine if God created you to be the Michelangelo of this age but you stayed so busy doing all kinds of things—good things—that you never got around to painting and sculpting. You’d end up missing the best because you got distracted chasing the good. What a disappointment… for God… and all the people who would have been blessed if you’d stayed focused on [God’s] purpose.’ Learn to delegate. Release the burdens God never meant you to carry, and focus on what He called you to do.

SoulFood: Eze 37:1–14, Matt 27:50–53 1, 1 Thes 4:13–18
The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright ©

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