Look For The Hand Of God In ‘All Things’

Dec 15, 2023

‘Who works all things according to the counsel of His will.’Ephesians 1:11 NKJV

God can make the wrong decisions of the people around you to work in your favour. So instead of looking for someone to blame, try to see the hand of God at work in your situation. Joseph discovered three things:

(1) When God wants you in a palace, nobody can keep you in a prison.

(2) Your future isn’t in the hands of others; it’s in the hands of God.

(3) Your God–given assignment in life doesn’t call for the cooperation or approval of everyone, but it does require the cooperation of one person—you.

Joseph’s brothers made a wrong decision by resenting him. Potiphar’s wife made a wrong decision by falsely accusing him. And the butler made a wrong decision by turning his back on him. But God did the right thing by him! He arranged every step Joseph took, all the way to the palace. After years apart, Joseph stood face–to–face with those brothers who had treated him so badly, and said, ‘You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good.’ (Genesis 50:20 NIV)

Try to understand this: the purposes of God will eventually overcome the plans of men. No one can prevent God from using you, blessing you, and giving you success, except you. So keep your heart and your attitude right! ‘He chose us in advance, and He makes everything work out according to His plan. God’s purpose was that we… who were the first to trust in Christ would bring praise and glory to God.’ (Ephesians 1:11–12 NLT)

So look for the hand of God in ‘all things’.

SoulFood: Col 3–4, Philemon, John 17:1–12, Ps 105:16–22, Pro 30:10–14
The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright © 2023

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