UCB Cook Island’s The Word for Today is just for you
We want The Word for Today to be available to everyone in the Cook Islands. We print it in English and you can get a copy from any one of the UCB Cook Islands team or through a number of local churches.
the Cook Islands has joined over 30 nations around the world where The Word for Today is now available.
We won’t charge you for your copy but we do ask for your donation. More than that, we invite you to be part of this wonderful work God is doing through your prayerful and practical support.
Jesus said: “Freely you have received; freely give.” Matthew 10:8 NIV
We don’t want anyone to miss out on hearing God’s Word so we ask everyone to join us and give as they are able.
Your donation today will help ensure all costs are met and together we can spread God’s Good News.
Your gift will not only pay for the printing and distribution of your copy but will also enable us to place copies in hospitals, prisons and in the hands people who might otherwise miss out.
Will you join us?
Every edition contains our bank account details or click the Donate button above. Perhaps you could set up a monthly gift.
And make sure you listen to Life FM for news of when the next The Word for Today will be available.