The Meaning of Christmas

The Meaning of Christmas

During this time Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. A little over 2,000 years ago, God sent his Son to the world to provide salvation for us all; the best Christmas gift ever given. You can receive this gift if you believe that Jesus died for your sins...

4 Ways to Love Better

I was recently talking with someone about some relationship struggles they were experiencing.  The need for patience was what we ended up with as a critical component to loving better. It’s very interesting, that in the love chapter in 1 Corinthians, it starts...
The Word for Today connects with the Workplace

The Word for Today connects with the Workplace

It is always so encouraging to hear how The Word for Today is impacting the daily lives of people in different workplaces. Oropai Mataroa enjoys reading The Word for Today during their team briefings and believes each day is so relevant for all staff who hear it....